Avengers : The Age of Ultron. Yeah? And..?

Is it just me or were you left feeling a little underwhelmed?

Joss Wheden is still in the chair, great…
Marc Ruffalo still goes fully green, great…

Then there’s the new characters and I’m not so sure.

The scarlet witch (who I know virtually nothing about) and quicksilver who I know slightly more but still very little about are our guest appearances for our mornings “OMGATRAYLERR” entertainment. I’m like a level one comic book nerd, I know a fair amount but not enough to really bro down and throw punches against the elitists, that being said these guys are certified avengers, they are also the kids of magneto (cameo anyone?) I just get the impression these are two kids who got caught up in a mess, they’ll no doubt contribute in some magical way but to me at the moment they just feel thrown in.

Let’s move on to the baddie shall we? He’s a robot, I think, with lots of robots. It kinda feels like Iron man 3.5 to me.

The locales don’t seem as impressive, in fact nothing does, the trailer indicates we’re going dark, á la Thor : The Dark World (which I enjoyed immensely don’t get me wrong). It’s going to be gritty and desolate, but this is a sequel, and being a sequel it’s gotta top the first and I’m failing to see how it can do that without an expansive backdrop such as I don’t know… Manhattan?

We’re talking the avengers here. You gotta go big man,

The biggest thing I saw was the hulk buster armor, which for the true fans I say hooray!
But for the average Joe I just can’t see it being enough to one up the hulk punching a flying alien metal worm snake in the face.

Thor topless in water for the ladies, and Captain America’s shield split in half, one to intrigue me.

I’m not impressed.
